Mid August to mid October (depending on your area) is the ideal time to plant the sprouted potatoes in the open ground Late varieties can be planted during December Planting into the Ground Plant maincrop potatoes about 35cm apart, in rows which are 75cm apart Where you are planting more than one row, the rows should (ideally) run from North · If you ever wondered what fruits and vegetables are in season in South Africa, then this handy guide is for you Seasonal fruit and vegetable chart for South Africa Summer December, January, February Fruits Apples Apple and yoghurt cake Apricots Apricot rolypoly with ginger custard Bananas Fluffy banana bread Blueberries Ricotta cakes served with blueberriesIt is common to plant from January to March in frostfree areas so that the growing season extends through winter Cold spells during winter can be a risk, depending on the climate of the specifi c area In very hot areas, planting should be avoided from November to middle of February as storage ro...